Nothing sinks a day on the water like boat issues. Whether you’re mid-ride and lose power or you can’t even start the boat to begin with, Germaine Marine has valuable tips to help you fix the most common boat problems. 

Failure to Start 

Your aquatic adventures can’t begin if your boat doesn’t start. Unfortunately, there could be a few causes behind this common boat problem, so it will require some trial and error to figure things out. 

How to Fix It 

Before starting your diagnostics, ensure your boat is still hooked up to your trailer to keep it secure. Now you can start your checks.

  • The battery switch should be on, and the voltage should be at least 11.5. If the boat doesn’t start under these conditions, change the battery to the combine option for extra volts. 

  • Check your gear shift. The boat needs to be in neutral before it can start. 

  • Is the kill switch rotated to the run tab? 

  • Inspect engine fuses and connections to see if anything is blown, loose, or disconnected.

  • If your boat has a keypad ignition, make sure your light is green. If it is yellow, click the ‘stop’ button and re-enter your code until the light turns green.

If your boat still doesn’t start, contact our Germaine Marine team for further assistance. 

Taking on Unchecked Water 

When your boat is taking on water without your knowledge, it is called unchecked water. A missing transom plug usually causes this boat problem, but it can lead to more severe issues like bilge pump strain or a burst hose on your engine exhaust system. 

How to Fix It 

First, check that your transom plug is securely in place and your belly plug is correctly plugged in. Then, you need to turn off the engine and check for broken or leaking hoses. Check your ballast pump housing and confirm that it is not cracked. Replace the hose if you have one, or temporarily tape the line until you can get back to shore and get a replacement hose. If you checked all these things and none are the problem, get off the water as soon as possible. Please call your local Germaine Marine store or come in to assess and troubleshoot what’s going on

Boat Engine Suddenly Stops 

If your boat engine suddenly dies, it could be as simple as someone accidentally hitting the kill switch or the boat running out of fuel. Or, it could be a bigger problem like an electrical failure like a tripped breaker, blown fuse, or loose connection. 

How to Fix It 

Check the kill switch and lanyard key to ensure they are engaged and tightly fitted. You should also inspect the ignition switch and connection as they can cause this issue as well, even though it is less likely. Next, check your boat engine for corrosion and try to clean it up if you find any. 

Are none of these solutions working? It’s time to wrap up your boating fun and radio for help. There’s probably a bigger issue in the engine that is causing your boat problem. 

Boat Engine Overheating 

Compared to other issues, overheating is probably one of the most common boat engine problems you can experience. Typically, the culprit is a cooling system blockage, so start there when you try to fix it. 

How to Fix It 

First, turn off your engine and allow it to begin cooling down. Then you should check for blockages in the raw water intake. Don’t forget to check the sea- strainer, impeller (we recommend getting this checked yearly), and coolant level as well. If clearing debris doesn’t work, you may have a broken hose spraying the engine and causing a bigger problem. You should seek immediate repair if you can’t solve the issue alone, as overheating could lead to total boat engine failure if it’s not fixed quickly.

Vibrations When Accelerating 

The waves may be choppy, but your boat shouldn’t be. Acceleration vibrations are usually caused by a loose, damaged, or blocked propeller. 

How to Fix It 

Inspect your propeller blades for warping, cracks, or snagged lines. If there is no visible damage or blockage, the internal rubber brushing may have slipped. This common boat problem cannot be fixed on the water, and you will likely have to idle back to shore before you can address the issue. If you do have engine vibrations and cannot determine the cause, do not exceed 10mph as you return to the dock. 

Facing More Boat Problems? Give Us a Call.

Even the best-maintained vessels can experience these common boat problems, but staying on top of your maintenance schedule can decrease the risk of these issues. At Germaine Marine, we can help you address all these boat problems to get you back on the water sooner. We also perform routine boating maintenance and repair services to keep your boat in tip-top shape. 

Contact our team in Utah or Arizona to tackle the above boat malfunctions and more.